18.When Housework Makes You Feel Like You’ve Lost Your Identity
Some men believe that doing too many tasks or caring for children detracts from their identity. They want to be the breadwinner and the provider. As a result, they see a threat to their masculinity if they begin to handle too many menial home activities. This, though, is more about the man’s identity concerns. If he lacks confidence in his own identity and manhood, he must embark on his journey. This could be a result of his upbringing or childhood trauma. It is not, however, his wife’s responsibility to fix him. Instead, he might need to see a therapist.
Women can have the same personal identification issues as men, and it happens frequently. For example, a lady may have fantasized about having a fantastic job. Then she becomes pregnant, shattering all of her hopes and plans. She feels as if she has lost her sense of self and is dissatisfied with the labels of “mother” and “housewife.” But, again, this is a problem she must resolve on her own. There are always options available to her for her to reclaim her identity. She has the chance of returning to school, working part-time, hiring a babysitter, and much more. Yes, having a child makes it much more challenging to pursue a profession. But it’s not out of the question. Regardless of who is facing a loss of personal identity, they may project and blame it on their partner. Divorce is the result of this.