12.When it’s time to eat, don’t look at your phone.
Stop gazing at your phone at the dinner table, according to studies, and you’ll be a happier person. Putting your phone away and having a regular discussion with your family during dinner will help you bond. But, as one may expect, the inverse is also true. It’s not just impolite to look at your phone at dinner, but it’s also harmful. As if your topic isn’t engaging enough to keep you talking for the next 20 minutes as you eat.
Someone is unlikely to petition for divorce just because you checked your notification at the table. However, this type of behavior is usually a significant red indicator that the person is dissatisfied and that his or her interest in you is waning. Consider this: Would you be viewing a YouTube video or texting your buddies if your celebrity crush was sitting across from you? No way! You would be focused entirely on them and smiling the entire time. As a result, a lack of interest in your relationship could indicate that you no longer love, find them attractive, or can not stand being around them.