Dispute Over Who in the House "Wears the Pants."
Female breadwinners tend to do more chores than you would expect. Credit: Shutterstock

11.Dispute Over Who in the House “Wears the Pants.”

Most people assume that if the wife earns more money and is the household’s primary breadwinner, her husband will step up and take on more responsibilities. But you are mistaken. According to studies, the more money a woman earns, the less inclined her husband is to help around the house. Is not that blatantly sexist? This brings us back to the topic of masculinity. I have a couple of female acquaintances who were the primary breadwinners in their families, and they experienced the same thing. Rather than being “manly,” their ex-boyfriends came across as arrogant and lazy. As a result, they broke up, which was unsurprising.

When a man’s wife earns more than he does, he frequently feels emasculated. The majority of males are socialized to believe that they should be the breadwinners. They are not wholly to blame for this. It is even in our DNA, dating back to hunter-gatherer times. As a result, they feel even more emasculated by performing traditionally “feminine” chores. To keep a happy marriage, some women will start to cut back on their work objectives.

