Ignoring or outright denying inequity in your relationship
Many men are totally oblivious to sexism in their marriage. Credit: Shutterstock

10. Ignoring or outright denying inequity in your relationship

When the globe was on lockdown in 2020, a married Japanese man piloted his drone over his home. He mocked their filthy abode in the video, which he released online. When his wife saw it, she responded by producing a list of almost 200 domestic responsibilities she had, while her husband only had 21. She didn’t have as much time during lockdown because she was homeschooling their children. Because she was educating their children during the lockdown, she didn’t have as much time to clean the house as she used to. And all her partner could do was play with his toy as a child, moaning about how dirty the house was when he could have cleaned it himself.

We live in a society that prides itself on being “awake” when it comes to gender equality. That isn’t to say that sexism doesn’t exist. Many men aren’t even aware of it because it’s so deeply ingrained in our daily lives. And how is this fair in a world where both parents are at home all day? Many of the males I’ve spoken to believe that sexism will still exist in 2021. These same persons were inclined to claim that racism vanished as well. However, this is because they are not witnessing it firsthand. When men are made aware of how uneven their status is at home, they are driven to change. If not, it will almost certainly result in divorce.

