Uses of Baking Soda
Carpet stains can also be easily removed using baking soda. Pixabay

19. Uses of Baking Soda: Remove carpet stains

Using carpets to decorate your living space is a great thing. To have a beautiful rug, you may have to spend a lot of money, and your room will also become more beautiful. However, besides a charming and attractive carpet, they are easy to get dirty quickly, and stain on the mat is tough to clean. You may not have time to wash the rug regularly, and cleaning the carpet is also very difficult. Therefore, you tend to leave them dirty until you can no longer stand it. Baking soda can help you handle stubborn stains. Create a mixture with vinegar and baking soda to clean these stains.

This mixture produces carbonic acid – a substance commonly found in cleaning products. This mixture, when meeting with contaminants, will create a chemical reaction and destroy them. Besides, you can make a 1: 1 mixture with vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then, spread a layer of baking soda on the stained or dirty area, spray the mixture and wait 1 hour until the mixture dries. When the surface is dry, scrub with a brush. As you can see, the dirty is gone, and the carpet returns to its natural color.

