Make Sure Your Desk is Big Enough
Sometimes, your desk needs to be large enough for two computers. Credit: Shutterstock

10. Make Sure Your Desk is Big Enough

Too many people make the mistake of buying a table online because they are shocked by how small it is when it arrives. Each online listing will give you the size in inches or centimeters. So make sure you find a table of the right size. You may need to buy a stand that can adjust its height, just in case you are not sure, you can choose to adapt your ergonomics. For many years, I have used a classic writing desk. It looks cute, and it serves its purpose when I work.

Make Sure Your Desk is Big Enough
I use an old retail display table as my desk, because I need to fit a lot on there at once. Credit: Shannon Quinn

But I realized that it was cramped, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable when I started working from home, and I needed a bigger space. My new desk is an old metal and acrylic retail display table that I found at Goodwill. Now, the office looks like something from a magazine, although it is very cheap. It is not expensive or fancy, as long as it helps your productivity.

