Ken Jeong and Tran Ho
Ken Jeong, widely known for his roles as an actor, comedian, and panelist on The Masked Singer, has an intriguing backstory that sets him apart. In a twist of fate, Ken’s path crosses with that of Tran Ho, a family physician, but not at the glamorous scene of a masked ball. Rather, they had the opportunity to meet at a mixer specifically organized for single doctors while they were both working at a hospital in Los Angeles. This serendipitous encounter sparked a connection between the two medical professionals that would change their lives forever.
In 2004, Ken and Tran took the leap of faith and exchanged vows, pledging their commitment to each other in marriage. Their love story reached another milestone when they welcomed twin daughters, Zooey and Alexa, into their lives in 2007. This joyous addition to their family cemented their bond even further and brought immeasurable happiness into their lives.