Iggy Azalea’s Fashion Disaster: A Confusing Mix of Styles and Statement Pieces
Iggy Azalea’s outfit at the event was an unfortunate blend of several styles. She committed a cardinal sin in fashion by trying to make every piece in her outfit a statement piece. It results in an outfit that was difficult to look at. It is generally accepted that when creating an outfit, one should choose a statement piece and build the rest of the outfit around it. However, each element in Iggy’s outfit was competing for attention, and none of them emerged victorious.
The knee-high lace-up open-toed stilettos that Iggy wore are stunning shoes that can easily grab attention. But unfortunately, they were too overwhelming. The shoes alone had too many things going on, from the laces to the open toe, to the high heels. To make matters worse, she paired them with light-colored satin culottes. It were not even in the same fashion realm as her gladiator-style shoes. Finally, she topped the outfit with a jacket that resembled something one would wear when preparing to parachute. The combination of all these elements resulted in an outfit that was too chaotic. Additionally, it was difficult to appreciate any of the individual pieces.