Today is moving day!

2. Today is moving day!

Swamperloader, a Reddit user, has a very different version than we’ve heard so far. It has nothing to do with any of your families, colleagues, or friends of friends. This story is actually about his work as a mover. If you were to work for a moving company, you would have to take the risk of dealing with hoarders. On the other hand, the moving business should have all of the requisite sanitary equipment for a job like this. Thankfully, it appears that the items in this story are fresh, packaged items that the hoarding person has saved rather than garbage.

Today is moving day!

“Furniture mover here; pulled up to a tiny one-bedroom basement apartment and thought to myself, “Oh, yeah, this is going to be an easy day.” That’s incorrect. When we first walked in, the place was crammed with brand new in box furniture, with tiny isles that required walking sideways to navigate. The customer was an old lady who had been saving money for years to retire to a huge country house in the middle of nowhere.” Hopefully, in her new country home, this older woman was able to enjoy her new furniture right out of the box.

