Floating bookshelves
Floating bookshelves are a treat for many people because they’re light, easy to install, and make your books look like they are floating on the wall. Shutterstock.

9. Floating bookshelves

When it comes to your books, there never seems to be enough room. You’re always looking for a new way to display them and a place to keep them safe. Depending on the ages of children and pets, this can be more complicated than other times. Luckily, there is one great addition in the world, and this is a floating bookshelf.

These are shelves that you can make out of metal and will hold enough weight for 4 to 6 books, depending on their size. They’re thin and easy to install on a wall, so people don’t even know that a shelf can hold your books like they’re floating. That is the next way of DIY projects easy and affordable.

