The Police Received a Strange Confession

Following his neighbor’s counsel, Timothy Evans returned to his hometown and sought refuge with his family. However, he soon returned to London, shocking the local police station with a startling confession: he claimed to have killed his wife and disposed of her body down a drain. He explained to the authorities that Beryl had been pregnant and that he had been given a liquid to induce an abortion. Tragically, the liquid had led to her demise, and he had disposed of her lifeless body by placing her down a maintenance hole. Despite his confession, the police found no corroborating evidence to support his account.

Upon further questioning, Timothy provided a completely different narrative. The recent widower recounted how John Christie had performed the botched abortion and advised him to flee. When he returned, John Christie denied him access to his daughter, Geraldine. Puzzled and uncertain, the police embarked on an investigation to untangle the complex web of conflicting stories.

