16. A message of public service
“I don’t want my baby to get a vaccine since Jenny McCarthy claims in her book that the Thimerosal in his MMR vaccine caused her son to develop Autism.” A couple of points:
- Jenny McCarthy, a former playboy model, is trying to sell you her books.
- MMR is a live vaccine that is free of Thimerosal.
- Thimerosal includes ethylmercury, which leaves your body in ten days instead of methylmercury, which lingers in your body for months and causes damage.
- Last year, measles claimed the lives of 135,000 people around the world.
- There is a significant hereditary component to autism. If one identical twin has it, the other has a 75% probability of getting it as well.
- Approximately 75% of identical twins have autism.
- Andrew Wakefield fabricated research linked autism to the MMR vaccine lost his medical license, and gained millions by assisting lawyers in lawsuits and selling books. In England, he lives in a mansion.
I went to school for 11 years and studied for 10,000 hours, and all I want to do now is make sure your child is healthy. Stop believing that your 5 minutes of internet research is significant, get over yourself, and go.