
“Suits” was a legal drama aired in the USA from 2011 to 2019, with Meghan Markle as one of its stars. The show featured elements that could make even the Queen of England blush. Meghan Markle portrayed the character Rachel Zane, a senior paralegal entangled in a complex relationship with an equally capable character, as is often the case with ambitious women in dramatic series.

Meghan shared with Marie Claire in 2013, “Before ‘Suits,’ I did a pilot every year. I even did a pilot for ABC with Patrick J. Adams, who plays Mike Ross on the show, about six years ago. So long! TV has always seen us in the same way. He’s the rough-around-the-edges guy, I’m the polished girl, and there’s that ‘Will they ever be together?’ tension. It’s crazy to finally have a pilot with more longevity than just one season—this is like my cup running over.”

