Pradeep’s Mother

Pradeep felt a surge of relief wash over him the moment his mother entered the waiting room. Her familiar presence was a comforting balm to his frayed nerves. With a grateful smile, he handed over the care of the twins to her, momentarily finding solace in her embrace. Her warmth reminded him that he wasn’t alone in this trying time, even if the anxiety gnawed at him. Yet, unanswered questions continued to plague his mind. Was there a complication with Lilly’s surgery?

His need for reassurance intensified, compelling him to seek answers. Unable to sit still, he began pacing the hospital corridors, trying to distract himself from the mounting worry. His mother’s comforting presence allowed him to breathe a little easier, but the uncertainty still hung heavy in the air. With every step, he hoped for clarity and resolution, yearning for news that would alleviate the fears consuming him.

