Shaker Furniture and Accessories
Credit: Shutterstock

20. Shaker Furniture

Shaker furniture is a particular type of furniture if you have never heard of it before. Initially, it was founded by a religious community named the Unified Society of Believers in the Second Appearance of Christ. More generally known as The Shakers,” they were. They believed they needed to work hard to build beautiful things with their full mind and body. They think they are doing God’s work by creating these bits.

Shaker Furniture and Accessories
Credit: Shutterstock

It is much more popular on the east coast of the United States if you want to find genuine furniture. For over $1,000/ piece, natural Shaker furniture will go. Many furniture companies, particularly with the increasing popularity of Farmhouse Decor, have tried to copy this style. But make sure you always sell something real. Check out any of the books available online if you want to know more about Shaker furniture.

