27. Smashing Them All

During my time as a bartender. A man who exuded a demeanor approached me. Requesting to purchase all the champagne available in the bar for himself and four friends. I declined this excessive request. But offered to sell him two bottles with the option to order more once they were finished. He agreed to this compromise, and after selling him the bottles. I took my smoke break, unaware of what his next move would be.

Ten minutes later. I witnessed the man and his friends dashing into the street. Clutching as many bottles of champagne as they could carry. They began smashing the full bottles amidst laughter and shouts. It soon became apparent that a co-worker had sold them the stock in exchange for a substantial tip, as expected.


They proceeded to smash the champagne bottles on the street and promptly returned to the bar for more. Despite our efforts to intervene and alert the authorities, they managed to flee in their car before anyone arrived. The resulting bill was staggering: three of them paid $2,200 each with credit cards. Meanwhile one-handed over approximately $5,000 in cash.
