8. More Money Than Using Brain 

I used to frequent a bar that hosted quarter nights. You’d order a drink, and the bartender would flip a quarter. If it landed on heads, you’d only pay 25 cents. If it landed on tails, you’d pay the full price of the drink you ordered. It added an element of chance to the night out, making each visit a bit more exciting and unpredictable.

One day, I encountered a group of guys at the bar. Who started ordering whole bottles just to participate in the coin-flipping game. Whenever the coin landed on tails, they begrudgingly paid the full price, sometimes with a bit of foot stomping. But when it landed on heads, they erupted in cheers, gladly paying just a quarter. And then generously tipping the amount equivalent to the original cost of the bottle. It turned the usual quarter nights into a lively spectacle of chance and camaraderie.


They repeatedly ordered bottles costing over a hundred dollars solely for the thrill of flipping the coin. The bartenders thoroughly enjoyed their enthusiasm and antics.
