Who’s Queen?
Although debates can be productive, it seems unlikely that we will succeed in persuading the author of this argument to change their opinion. The topic at hand is determining the true queen of the sea, and the writer, a Moana enthusiast, believes that Moana holds this title rather than Ariel. Their reasoning is that Moana demonstrated selflessness and bravery by leaving her family behind to rescue her village and protect the ocean, while Ariel gave up her family for a romantic interest, which is seen as a predictable decision. The author concludes by declaring that Moana of Montunui should be respected in all circumstances, an assertion that highlights their fervent commitment to their stance on the matter.
Despite the value of healthy discussions, it appears improbable that the individual behind this argument can be swayed to see things differently. The topic at hand revolves around determining the ultimate queen of the sea, and the writer, an avid Moana enthusiast, firmly believes that Moana deserves the title over Ariel. This viewpoint is based on the premise that Moana’s decision to leave her family to rescue her village and safeguard the ocean exemplifies selflessness and bravery, whereas Ariel’s choice to abandon her family for a love interest is perceived as predictable. The author concludes by emphasizing the need to show unwavering respect for Moana of Montunui, demonstrating the depth of their dedication to their perspective.