14. You man Move Assemble a Dance Floor
Many individuals consider dancing to be a significant part of their wedding custom. Many couples get to hear their wedding song played here, and the bride and her father share a dance. However, following Covid-19, most traditional wedding venues have made it a rule that no dancing is permitted, citing the risk of guests getting too close or a mask falling off. When you hold a wedding in your garden, you may choose whether or not to dance.

You have a few alternatives for setting up an outdoor dance floor if you decide to do so. To begin, you may allocate a portion of your wedding money to constructing a large patio or porch. You could also make a dance floor out of plywood if you want something more temporary. The only problem is that it doesn’t appear particularly attractive, and someone might trip over the space between the wood pieces. Other companies can install interlocking tiles on the ground. Examine the options available in your area and consider the benefits and drawbacks of each.