Jerry’s Health Declines

With the playful atmosphere still lingering, Sandy told Travis, “Show Daddy your big tongue now!” Amused by the request, Travis promptly stuck out his large, pink tongue, clearly reveling in the moment. He smiled, shook his shoulders, and chuckled with delight. He affectionately embraced Jerry, patting him on the back, displaying their strong bond.

However, Jerry’s health worsened, and he began experiencing more frequent complaints of feeling unwell. In March 2005, his condition necessitated his hospitalization, where he remained for weeks. Sandy faithfully stood by his side, visiting him every day. Facing the severity of his illness, Jerry initiated a heartfelt conversation with Sandy, discussing the future of Travis once he passed away. Understanding the challenges that Travis’s care would pose as a sole responsibility, Jerry urged Sandy to consider taking him to a sanctuary. Although the thought saddened them, they believed it would be in Travis’s best interest and Sandy’s well-being.

