Stamford’s Favorite

During a visit from Sandy’s longtime friend Charla Nash and her daughter, they enjoyed playful moments with Travis outside, capturing precious pictures as he playfully interacted with their hair and posed for the camera. Before long, Travis had become a celebrity in Stamford, gaining recognition as the town’s most famous resident. He also served as a mascot for the Herolds’ businesses, with his photo adorning their vehicles, and he frequently accompanied them as a passenger. Police officers eagerly posed for pictures with him, while strangers couldn’t resist wanting to pet and interact with him.

A neighbor recounted an intriguing incident where he witnessed a Corvette pulling into the Harolds’ driveway, with none other than Travis sitting in the passenger seat while Sandy took the wheel. It was known that Travis had a particular fondness for that car, and there were even reports of him attempting to take the keys and drive it himself. Both Travis and Sandy, with their arms casually hanging out of the open windows, cheerfully acknowledged the neighbor’s greeting as they drove by.

