The Loss of Sue Was Overwhelming

Sandy bore an immense burden following the loss of her daughter, and she struggled to cope with her grief. At Sue’s funeral, an open casket ceremony was held, with Sue dressed in a beautiful floral dress that Sandy had once given her. Overwhelmed by her pain, Sandy blamed Sue’s husband for her tragic passing, causing her to deny certain individuals the opportunity to visit her. Her emotional state became tumultuous, oscillating between intense anger and deep depression. Unfortunately, the strain of her grief extended to her relationship with her grandchildren, leading to a deterioration in their connection.

Sandy became increasingly isolated, even contemplating thoughts of taking her own life. Her sole sources of solace and purpose became Jerry and Travis. Slowly, she began to venture out of the house again, but only with the two of them by her side. They returned to the beach together, holding hands, with Travis carrying their dog’s leash, Apollo. Sandy saw Travis as her sole remaining child, providing her a sense of companionship and purpose in the face of her profound loss.

