Aries (21/3 through 19/4)
Aries, being a fire symbol, appear to be entirely different from water signs. These people seem to have compassion, dedication, trust, excitement, optimism, integrity, and passion. They can be nervous, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, and violent on the flip side, too. Since this is the first sign of the zodiac, they also seem to like being the first at all, loving to be at the top. They are the ones who have to take steps to fix issues. Aries’ constellation is called the Flying Ram and is inspired by the Golden Fleece’s ancient story.
It is no wonder, being a fire sign, that this zodiac sign’s best color revolves around fire. As an Aries, for any room in the building, think Persimmon Orange as a color! This color exudes strength, which is how you see yourself as strong and bold, precisely. Do not fret about the boldness of the choice of color: Persimmon Orange is a soft orange hue that, while not being too rough on the skin, will fulfill the need for a catchy color. With this color scheme, you will be entirely in your element while still surprising others with your powerful color choice.