

Horoscopes are another well-known component of astrology. A horoscope is a route of the zodiac circle – the middle of the Planet, with the top of the circle showing the sun at its highest point during the day, and the eastern and western hemispheres representing the left and right. What does a horoscope do? Use the map to map the sun, moon, other planets, and stars at a particular date and time of your choice. It is important to note here that “clock time” is not used by astrologers; instead, using the sun’s venue at the spring equinox, they track “sidereal” time.

When the date and time for the horoscope reading has been chosen, the sidereal time is determined and the position is plotted. The astrologer will review an astronomical ephemeris at this stage, which is a table listing at any given time the areas of the sun, moon, planets, and constellations) to create your map. The map is, then, interpreted. The chart will show perspectives and current trends in personality. Computer software has been developed today that allows chart building easier.


While astrology has been around for quite some time, it has not always been as popular as today; popularity seems to be phased in and out. There are licensed astrologers in virtually every country to date. Some argue that astrology is based on no theoretical basis. In contrast, others realize that gravitational forces between planets need to prove that worlds have other powers that can be predictably mapped and observed. Some belief in astrology’s more profound symbolism. It is fair that science has some meaning because it has survived unchanged for so long.
