Having a pet is not suitable - Van Life
Having a dog is even more difficult when they’re confined to a small space. Credit: Shutterstock

1. Having a pet is not suitable

Van life is not suitable for pets and makes pet ownership more difficult. Think of carrying a cat on the road, and it may run away as soon as it has the opportunity. The most famous person who lives in a van on the Internet, Janelle Eliana, has a pet albino snake named Alfredo that she keeps in a terrarium. The snake is one of the best pets to keep on the road because you can follow him in a small space, but you know that he will be completely happy with that.

Having a pet is not suitable - Van Life
Dogs may enjoy the outdoors, but they will be on the road for hours at a time. Credit: Shutterstock

However, not everyone is interested in raising snakes as a pet, especially when they have ever had a dog or a cat. When choosing a pet to take with you on the road, most people will choose a dog. They are very loyal and will make you feel not alone during your journey. However, bringing dogs can sometimes be a problem because many parks ban dogs and cats. In the end, a small space is not suitable for raising dogs, especially when they can cause problems, and you have to clean up that mess.

