Author: Chris
Where to Save or Splurge During Your Home Makeover Project?!
It’s essential when you start a home makeover project to know where you should spend and where to save money. There are many home makeover shows on TV that makes the whole process seems easily done. However, such a complicated plan often takes up months or years to finsh. If you’re not careful, you might lose a ton of money on unnecessary things. Here, we’ll look at some tips on how to optimize your budget and spend them smartly when you are having a home makeover project!
30. Relax on a high-quality sofa
One of the most important things to concentrate on right now is being happy in your own home. This is why you can buy a high-end sofa for yourself. You want your family and guests to be able to watch TV, talk, or spend time together on a comfortable couch. And the better a quality couch, the longer you will have it indoors. This will save money over time. When a sofa is nice enough, it’s even worth the investment to wrap it up than buying a new piece of furniture.
If you don’t have an excellent place to sit when you get home at the end of the day, it will be tough to relax. My brother, for example, had a lovely apartment near Washington DC a few years ago. Since he realized his deal was only for a year, he purchased everything from Ikea for a low price. He started to feel stressed in his body while living there. I realized the issue after spending the weekend in his apartment. There’s no comfortable place to sit. His couch was uncomfortable; it hurts to sit in it for more than 10 minutes. The only place he could relax was his bed, and he didn’t go there until bedtime. Don’t make the same mistake. Invest in comfort and relaxation whenever possible.
The Most Hilarious DIY Home Renovation Fails!
While most people want to pick outsourcing services to renovate the house, the cost of such a service is not really affordable. Hence the appearance of many DIY projects for home renovation. On one side, starting such a project often helps save money by avoiding licensed contractors. However, these projects sometimes result in completely counterproductive and become extreme disasters. Here are some of the most hilarious home renovation fails you might want to look out for.
30. Leave the toilet at the top of the stairs?
It is said that making an excellent first impression when entering a home is crucial. Consider joining your house and being greeted by a toilet. Yes, there is a bathroom. Dan Hagman, an Iowa home inspector, was the first to bring this next DIY fail to the Internet. “I have never seen this before, come in the side door and don’t even have to take off your shoes, and they like it!” he said on a home inspector’s forum. At the very least, it’s a good thing it’s on the back door rather than the front. Consider the perspective of the Amazon delivery person. Where, on the other hand, is the toilet sink? The answer is that there isn’t one. As a result, they reach for the doorknob to enter.
The cringe factor is at an all-time high. Take notice of the giant popcorn tin next to the dog food bowls as well. We sincerely hope that tin contains dog food rather than a snack when you get hungry while on the toilet. At the very least, the dog would have somewhere to drink if his water bowl runs dry. This would resell the housing complex, and the home inspector likely told them it needed to go. When you do a DIY project, make sure it will add value to your home, not take away from it.
29. A One-of-a-Kind Deal
It is always best to have more bedrooms when putting your home on the market. The more bedrooms and bathrooms your family have, the higher the rent or sale price you can demand. It is impossible to say where this meme originated because it’s been circulating all over the Internet. However, we believe we have located the original post, which stated, “They told me it’s a single bedroom with an attached bathroom.”
Oh, no! Who wants to sleep in the same room where they go to the bathroom? This reminds me of a prison cell. Unless they were desperate for extra beds in their apartment and had no other choice, it isn’t easy to imagine what this person was thinking. If the caption is correct and touring an apartment advertised incorrectly, it is almost certainly a real estate scam. It’s also an excellent example of why you should still see an apartment in person before agreeing to sign a lease.
28. Just looking at these bunk beds makes me nervous.
Youth hostels profit from cramming as many young travelers as possible into a single room. So it’s almost unsurprising that a few business owners have pulled this stunt. This appears to be a dirty little secret that hotels don’t want you to know about it. I’m sure it wouldn’t pass a health and safety inspection if a health and safety inspector came to look at it. Stacking these many bunk beds on top of one another isn’t a good idea. Consider what would happen if there was an earthquake, a fire, or another type of emergency. From a structural standpoint, this does not appear to be very secure.
There were a few of these photos circulating on Reddit, but one comment, in particular, stood out: “Yes, I slept in one of these.” And yes, it was a horrifying experience.” We sincerely hope that no one would do such a thing to their children. There were a few of these photos circulating on Reddit, but one comment, in particular, stood out: “Yes, I slept in one of these.” And yes, it was a horrifying experience.” We sincerely hope that no one would do such a thing to their children.
27. A DIY Nightmare Revealed by a Sagging Ceiling
Unfortunately, when you first buy a home, inspectors do not catch all of the problems. This new homeowner was doing repairs on his new home when he posted a picture of what he discovered on Reddit. “Before I removed the ceiling, I was wondering why it was sagging… There had been widespread re-framing, and I removed those joists. Everything about that house was wrong, especially major soil and structural flaws.”
The wooden beams that supported the ceiling were not correctly installed, as you can see in the picture. There are slots cut out of the timber that is not supported by a beam. The previous owner chose to do some DIY or recruit a low-cost contractor who had no engineering experience. When most people undertake a DIY project, their primary concern is to save money in the short term. They don’t always consider the long-term consequences or how it will affect the next home buyer. This is one of those projects that should never be attempted at home. Consistently recruit a specialist instead of trying structural work on your own.
26. Is it Stubbornness or Conservation of Nature?
Someone on Reddit chastised a neighbor for refusing to pay someone to work on his home because he wanted to do everything himself. “Instead of hiring contractors and people who know what they are doing, a guy in the neighborhood decided to build his own house. We watched in awe as they dealt with a variety of issues. They recently poured the driveway around a tree that partly blocks their garage rather than removing it.” Saving these trees does not appear to be motivated by a desire to preserve the environment. He chopped down one of the trees and left the stump because he didn’t have the right equipment to remove it, as you can see in the picture. He gave up trying to save the second tree. While it’s admirable that he built this house on his own, that doesn’t mean he has to do everything by himself.
It’s best to recruit experts to remove a tree if you need it removed. They often need to use a cherry picker to remove the high branches before using chainsaws to bring the main tree trunk down. Because of the difficulty of the task, stump removal is an extra charge. Cleanup is also a significant concern, particularly if you don’t have the means to mulch or burn the wood that remains. Unfortunately, by keeping a tree in front of his driveway, this person only makes his life more difficult for himself. As the tree roots grow, they may crack the driveway, scaring prospective buyers away from purchasing the property.
25. Here’s Why You Should Measure Everything
Inspector Aaron posted this photo to his Instagram account with the caption: “Sometimes renovations need to be organized a bit better…” We could see that someone had installed a new oven without measuring to see if the door could open all the way. Not only is it inconvenient to cook with, but it also poses a fire hazard. A home inspection would never approve of something like this.
This is an essential lesson in the importance of measuring everything! Always measure the distance between the door and the cabinets before installing a new appliance. If at all possible, make sure you have plenty of room to stand behind it. Consider your culinary experience. You (or your children) will likely be burnt if you don’t allow yourself enough space.
24. These Stairs Are Hurting My Eyes
We discovered the following image on Reddit with the simple caption, “Someone made some stairs.” No way! This is a disaster. Uneven stairs are unquestionably a tripping hazard. This person, it appears, did not take the time to measure the stairs to ensure that they were all the same height. They don’t seem to be the same width, either.
Most of the time, you should delegate this task to a professional. If you’re set on building your stairs, at the very least, read Home Depot’s guide to constructing a staircase. They walk you through how to measure, cut, and install your stairs step by step. However, you will need to hire an engineer or a professional contractor to complete the project in many cases.
23. The Curtains Will Be Required to Hide the Shame
This story was initially published on Zabitat by Krista P. of Geneseo, Illinois. “After begging my fiancé to hang my curtains for days, I finally tried it on my own. Hanging curtains on two windows took me about 6 hours. It looked a little crooked when it was all said and done, so I made the curtains to hide it. I was pleased with the quality of my work. When my fiancé returned home from work in the evening, I welcomed him into the living room and showed him my hard work. At the same time, he opened one of the curtains and said, “Good job, baby.” The curtain and the rod both dropped at the same time, hitting him in the head. I was in such bad shape! The end of the big rod gave him a giant bump on the forehead.
Kristina is in such a dire situation! Rather than making a DIY blunder like this, watch a YouTube tutorial for step-by-step instructions. Hanging a curtain rod should only take a few minutes if done correctly. It’s a little perplexing that it took 6 hours and still didn’t work out. This is an excellent example of how you may need to wait for assistance if something appears to be too difficult. Alternatively, if your fiance ignores you, hire a handyperson! If he is irritated that you paid money for his assistance, he may be motivated to complete the task more quickly the next time.
22. How Do I Begin?
“Luxury trailer DIY living,” read the caption on Reddit. You might not notice anything wrong with this photo if you look at it quickly. Even some of the comments questioned why this was such a lousy DIY fail. But take a closer look. This vanity has two separate sinks, each with its own set of faucets. We apply a single coat of black spray paint unevenly to the wooden vanity. The owner must have been pleased with themselves because they took this photo and posted it online. But, in reality, it appears that they gathered everything that was on clearance and put it together.
If you’re going to do a DIY bathroom renovation, make sure you pick a color scheme that works together. Find sinks and faucets that match. Choose a suitable product for furniture, such as chalk paint or wood stain, to add color. Even if saving money for a project like this takes longer, it’s best to do it right the first time.
21. Does This Ensure That The House Is Haunted?
Robert Bulla, a tattoo artist, carved an ouija board into his shop’s hardwood floors. He found an antique hardwood floor underneath the carpet after tearing it up. He made a stencil with chalk paint and then went in with a wood-burning tool to add the fine details. When Robert shared this on Instagram, it quickly became a meme with over 22,000 shares. Let’s hope that going viral helped Robert attract more customers to his tattoo shop because this was a giant blunder in terms of real estate.
Sure, this would look great in a tattoo parlor. However, antique wood floors are incredibly costly and in high demand among consumers. So he’s squandered thousands of dollars by burning this perfect floor. Over-customizing your house is one way to devalue it unintentionally. Maybe this mural on the hardwood floor is cool to Robert and his clients. However, it will be a complete nightmare for the 99 percent of people looking to buy the property in the future. Unless they replace the floorboards entirely, there will be no way to fix this floor art.
20. Purple is out of date
A real estate agent called this photo, and she left a caption: “Stuck in this beautiful bathroom!” This is sarcasm, with smiley emojis. This is an example of trends becoming obsolete. There was probably a time when this bathroom decoration cost a lot of money! But after a while, these were clearly out of fashion.
I cannot imagine having a rug in the bathroom. If there isn’t any way to vent a damp bathroom carpet, chances are there’s mold underneath. If you have a home like this, I recommend doing some modern renovations before selling it.
19. Is this considered En-Suite?
Here’s another photo that has been shared by real estate agents many times. Many people have a private bathroom as part of their master bedroom, but often there are walls there to separate the space. It is hard to imagine what it smells like in the bedroom cum bathroom.
Hopefully, you guys will never try to redo this failed design. The reason why you shouldn’t do this is that it’s not aesthetic at all. The moisture from the shower can cause mold in your room, especially if it’s in your bedroom, just a few feet from where you sleep. It will also make it extremely difficult to sell a home to anyone else in the future.
18. No one can steal this car
The garage door image on the second floor was posted online with the caption: “Nobody stole my car!” We don’t know if this photo was taken seriously by the landlord or taken by a neighbor.
This is 100% a failure. No one seems to be able to come up with a rational reason for why this happened. Since this is a mountainous area, the landlord may initially think they will have filled up dirt on the first floor. It will undoubtedly become more difficult one day to sell this house.
17. Please do everything correctly
An Instagram account posted this photo and wrote: “Creating the concept of openness is everyone’s dream! Patching an old wall floor has never been easier with this patch compound tank! “You’re looking at the wall patch being used to fix a crack in the middle of the floorboards. Unfortunately, when you do it yourself, it’s not always possible to reuse the same materials for the part. And even if it’s the correct material, you can’t use wood putty to replace the actual wood.
If you want to do this job correctly, removing a wall and creating an open space will require you to make sure that the bottom floor is sturdy and of good shape. Next, you have to buy hardwood flooring to match what is already there. Wood putty is used to fill any small gaps between spaces. After that, the entire floor of the room will have to be sanded. Then the whole floor will be stained to make sure the colors match, and everything looks cohesive as if it’s always one room instead of two.
16. Maybe you need someone to help you
This was posted on Instagram: “My goal is always to get attention and make my work stand out from the competition! I have put together this same sample 3 times in a row, and it was this attention to detail that made me book two weeks in advance. Four rows will be too much! “I think he’s joking, mocking someone’s failure to do it themselves. But it’s understandable why someone could make a mistake like this, significantly if no one helped them out.
You always want the floorboards to go in the same direction. But when you buy a hardwood box or vinyl plank, it doesn’t always perfectly fit the room’s size. You have to measure those pieces and then use a saw to cut them to the exact length. If there are room corners around the closet, you may also have to cut off part of the floorboard. This is something that many people want to do for themselves unforeseen.
15. A Pittsburgh boot is more popular than you might think
Do you want to talk about weird toilet positions? This toilet is in the middle of the basement with no walls, sinks, or any privacy. However, this is very common in old homes in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. According to one real estate broker: “Since we are a steel town, they stay at the opening of the basement so that the steelworkers can get home from work, take a bath, get dressed, and use a Pittsburgh potty first. when going upstairs to have dinner with family. “
If I bought this house, I would get rid of that toilet or create walls around it, so I have a natural bathroom.
14. Do you know how pipes work?
A home inspector posted this photo on his Instagram with a sarcastic comment: “No problem with this, right?” This is a gutter and a drain that has been cut in half. Rainwater running down from the roof needs to be filtered through channels and down to the ground. Rainwater needs to be carried away from home to keep water out of the house.
We’re not sure if this was a DIY incident or just a lousy contractor who decided this was a good idea. Someone paid the experts to install their gutters, and they let it hang from the roof of our warehouse, instead of putting it on the ground … And this is a company they paid for 1,000 dollars to get the job done. Even so-called experts make these terrible mistakes.
13. The cat paws
This subsequent DIY failure was posted on Instagram by Toby the Cat, “Fun fact: As a kitten, I longed for a home repair career. That was cut short when the contractor and I parted ways due to creative differences. I want to call this masterpiece “Paws In Grout.” This is so cute. But when you are pouring concrete, always render your pets inaccessible to that space.
Let’s hope the owner gets rid of Toby’s toenail condition right away, as things like these can cause permanent damage to your pet’s skin. According to the CDC, “Wet concrete that comes into contact with the skin for a short time and then thoroughly washed off will cause minor irritation. But constant contact between skin and wet concrete allows alkaline compounds to penetrate and burn the skin. When wet concrete or mortar sticks to the skin – the consequences can be degree 1, degree 2, or degree 3 burns. These wounds can take months to heal, requiring hospitalization and possibly skin grafting.”
12. Fix dock by yourself
This next photo comes from IMGUR, where a user posted this photo with the caption, “So my uncle” repaired “his dock.” This is a substantial DIY failure. Those wooden planks do absolutely nothing to help the situation. Fixing a dock is no joke. If you live on the water, you should hire professionals to get the job done. One wrong act and someone could drown.
Depending on the dock’s size and the water’s depth, repairs can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. It is understandable why this man’s uncle tried to correct it himself. However, the dock is one thing that you need to update every year before it all collapses. And if you’ve ever sold the property, it’ll almost certainly be something you’ll need to repair before selling it to a buyer who wants to enjoy the lake.
11. Fan failure
Another failure is when a person forgets to measure the fan’s distance to other objects. Patching the ceiling and moving the fan aside won’t be any easier. This could lead to more issues in the future. They could quickly fix the case with a large ceiling stick and some cracks if they moved it just a few centimeters in a situation like this.
It probably goes without saying why this DIY failure was a disaster. You should never damage the load-bearing part of the house to install accessories. Always be sure to measure the space in advance or hire an installation specialist for you. Installing a ceiling fan isn’t too expensive, and some companies will even include it in a package deal when you buy their fans.
10. The Real Question Is…WHY?
On an Instagram account owned by Inspector Aaron, he posted this picture with this caption.“Ideally, a plumbing duct can be vented to the outside. We have one venting into the attic, and all the hot water evaporates up the vent, causing moisture damage to the attic. Also, the attic smelled awful as a result of it.”
There’s an explanation why plumbers are expected to complete an apprenticeship before obtaining their license. Despite this, many people believe they will work it out in one weekend. Plumbing is one activity that you can stop doing on your own because it can result in long-term harm.
9. That Isn’t How You Look For Studs
“I knew the stud was in there somewhere,” Randi captioned the photo on Twitter. “Follow me for more DIY projects,” she said. No, no. This is a major do-it-yourself blunder. Those holes would have to be filled in with spackle and then repainted. When she lives in an apartment, her security deposit could be deducted if she isn’t patient.
Find studs in the wall without a stud finder by following this guide. If you have the cash, though, you can purchase a stud finder. If you intend to do more DIY ventures in the future, this will come in handy. If you want to keep the walls from getting riddled with gaps, it’s worth it.
8. First and foremost, empty the closet.
Someone thought it would be a brilliant idea to paint their closet doors from brown to white in this next Reddit DIY fail. However, just because you’re painting the outside of the doors doesn’t mean anything inside is safe, mainly if the doors are slatted! The white paint went right through to the interior of the wardrobe, as you can see. Unfortunately, stains like that are impossible to come out of the wash if they didn’t know it until after the paint had dried. If you ever find yourself in this situation, use this guide to learn how to strip dried paint from garments.
If you’re going to paint stuff, make sure you get rid of everything in the region first. It’s impossible to predict if the paint would spill and ruin anything nearby. Often use a drop cover, wear old clothing, and secure something you don’t want to get soaked with paint tape. Usually, please make sure the family members know any wet paint in the building to take precautions.
7. Don’t Hesitate to Take a Peek at the Ceiling.
I gave a picture of someone constructing wonky and rough stairs earlier in this list. Unfortunately, even though you meticulously calculate all of the measures, everything else might go wrong… The altitude. Even if you’re a short guy, bear in mind the tall people will need to use the stairs as well. Often calculate the head height on a stairwell’s angle to ensure that anyone above 6 feet tall can ascend the stairs safely without hurting their head. The gap in the picture above seems to be too little, but that might not be possible in that home.
You would not be able to solve a problem like this in an older house. People used to be much shorter than they are now. Whether you’re working on a new home or doing modern updates, though, there’s no reason for this DIY disaster. When it comes to building a staircase, much like anything else on this site, you want to hire someone who knows what they’re doing. If done incorrectly, this can be a very costly and risky error.
6. Not Every Door Is The Same Dimension
When you visit virtually every middle-class home in America, you’ll notice that they all have the same entrance. It’s the four rectangular panels on the white particle board door. Home Depot and Lowes are also good places to shop for these. Understandably, some people think all entries are the same, particularly if they seem to come in a modern stand. However, this is not the case. Door frames come in a variety of sizes, but you’ll have to weigh them first. Never presume that a door is a suitable size only because it looks the same.
If your local store does not have the right size door in stock, you will need to put in an order online. But believe us when we say that the wait is well worth it. Otherwise, if you don’t want to have one awkwardly unique door that looks out of place in your home, you would have to fix any entry in the building.
5. It seems that a lot of people keep their ladders stuck forever.
One of the most popular DIY Fail photos we’ve seen while researching for this article is people locking their ladders inside the thing they’re trying to install. People have had their ladders stuck in TV satellite dishes, plumping, wood walls, and various other places. It boggles my mind that anyone might cause this to occur. However, it appears that this is a widespread problem. The best way to remedy the situation is to reverse everything they’ve done and start again.
When you use a ladder, you should always have a spotter there with you. A spotter holds your ladder to keep it steady. They are also nearby to make sure you don’t make mistakes like wrapping your ladder around a wood beam. Spotters are also necessary to make sure if an accident does happen, they are there to help you. Think about it. If you were on a ladder working all by yourself and fell, you would most likely be unconscious. And the impact might break your phone. According to the Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, 500,000 people fall from a ladder and injure themselves every year. It’s no joke and something you should never take lightly.
4. Drywall is Tougher Than It Seems
Many sources say that hanging drywall is simple enough to do on your own. But, as this DIY fail demonstrates, it’s a lot more complicated than it seems. “How can I even piece together this puzzle?” the poster wondered on Reddit. It’s impossible to know if this person was trying to use up all of the scraps from other parts of the building or if they were having difficulty covering anything with an odd shape. As you spackle and paint this, it will not look fine. There is no way to remedy this problem, and, remarkably, they stuck with it for so long.
It’s easier to pay a licensed worker to hang the drywall during your home renovation, even though it costs a couple of hundred dollars more. They are capable of completing the task rapidly and effectively. In most cases, at least two individuals must collaborate on the project. This is particularly valid if a piece must be raised to the ceiling. Drywall and sheetrock are much thicker than you would expect. And if someone has a lot of experience, doing this on their own is risky.
3. Which Doesn’t Go In
Major facepalm right now because of the following DIY fail. Spray foam was sprayed through a brick wall’s holes by someone who felt it would be a brilliant idea. Sure, this may be a temporary cure for their draft problem. However, it would not be structurally sound. All of the spray foam oozing out of the wall still looks pretty unattractive. It’s impossible to know if a foundation problem causes the break at the bottom of the wall or if it’s the result of someone trying to slather plaster all over the fence.
Repairing brick and stone walls as a DIY home renovation project is more difficult than it seems. It isn’t complicated, and everyone can learn it. However, it would help if you first were shown how to do it by someone with experience, or at the very least watch a few YouTube videos. Depending on the age and color of the original wall, you’ll need to use a mortar that suits it. Since it can get a little complicated, it’s probably best to recruit someone who has done similar work before.
2. Getting Rid of the Mistakes
Consider putting up a brick wall in front of your house to make you feel safe from the highway just outside your driveway. And, just a few hours later, a car smashes through your cinder block wall, crushing everything you’ve created. They then exit their vehicle and flee for the woods, terrified of being arrested for drunk driving. You now have a car parked in the front yard. Maybe this homeowner foresaw what was going to happen. It’s a good thing there was anything there to prevent the vehicle from entering this person’s home!
This image was shared on a sub-Reddit devoted to people who have struggled at DIY home renovation. It’s amusing that, rather than discussing how bizarre it was that an unknown human smashed through the building, everyone is focusing on the bad craftsmanship. “It wasn’t going to last long in the first place.” “It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to these people,” he adds. They will now recruit someone to do it properly.” It seems that little was placed between the blocks to make them hold together, based on the wall’s appearance.
1. An Unfortunate Circumstance
“Good if you just want to see half of yourself,” if you look at the image above, do you find anything wrong with it? This type of home renovation will make it harder to sell the house, and no one wants to live with this regularly. People like symmetry and the ability to see themselves in the mirror when brushing their teeth or to wash their faces. It would become tiresome to move from side to side. This is a DIY disaster since no experienced home builder will ever plan a bathroom in this manner.
Space may also have an odd shape that makes it impossible to deal in. You could have avoided the dilemma if the homeowner had installed a more petite bathroom vanity in the space between the two windows. They should have then bought an additional piece of furniture to act as storage. They might also use the corner of the room to show a basket of towels, herbs, and several other objects to enhance the room’s appearance.
Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Doing Laundry!
It seems everyone likes to keep the house clean for a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. However, sometimes we might not have enough time to do a good cleanup. Clothes are piling up constantly, putting some pressure on the laundry to keep them clean. If you’re looking for handy laundry tips to shorten your time, then we’ve got you covered. Please take note!
1. Sorting laundry
Do not wash all clothes together. The essential first step to getting your laundry done is sorting them properly. It makes your job simple, making the laundry safer and much quicker. When you start bathing, the first thing you have to do is to arrange your laundry. Sort your clothes by the dark color, white color, denim, towels, and by material.
Colored stains are the worst thing your costly clothing can do. It is recommended to wash darker items simultaneously, while brighter or whiter ones need to be cleaned differently. This rule applies to light or dark clothing, and those that you feel may produce color during washing can spill over to other clothes.
Affordable Mother’s Day Gifts To Make Her Day Special!
Mother’s Day is getting closer and closer! Have you chosen a perfect gift for her to show your mom that you love and treasure her the most? In the past, most people bought their mother’s traditional Mother’s Day gifts like jewelry, flowers, chocolate, or dinner. However, if you are looking for some gift ideas that are unique and don’t cost a ton, we might be able to help! Today, we introduce you to other meaningful and affordable facilities to enjoy Mother’s Day at home.
30/ Harry Potter Bath Bombs
These bath bombs are great for your mother if she enjoys Harry Potter books. Each bath bomb features Harry Potter’s lightning bolt scar on the outside, but the inside remains a mystery. She can discover she has been categorized into the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw House by dropping the bath bomb in the water.
29/ Tea growing kits
If your mom is a daily tea drinker, she will probably love this tea-growing kit. This kit includes seeds as well as everything else you’ll need to grow your own flowers and herbs. They are easy to grow; your mother can grow in your garden or just a window sill. She can make her tea at home without going to the store to buy any tea packets.
28/ Adult coloring book
Coloring is a fantastic way to relieve tension and anxiety. If your mom loves coloring and she likes sexy guys too, she might love this gift. However, it may feel a bit awkward to give gifts like these to your mother. So before you buy this for mom, make sure your mom likes related stuff like romance novels or male model shows.
27/ Converter from cassette to MP3
Back in the 80s and 90s, everyone loved listening to music in their car on cassette tape. It’s also a romantic way to make mixtapes a gift for the people you love. They are a thing of the past, and young people have moved on to a different medium of music listening. However, your mother might still keep some of her favorite cassettes. Some songs are difficult to find online, even in this digital era. This cassette to MP3 converter will enable her to convert some of her well-known tapes to digital format, allowing her to save her music to her computer or phone.
26/ The monogrammed wine bottle
If your mom loves to drink, she might like this monogrammed glass vase. They help create air bubbles in your wine, making it taste better. Cheap bottles can also be stored in this bottle and make them look more luxurious. This is the kind of household appliance that you can use for a very long time. Besides, this is also the perfect gift to give to others!
25/ This noodle maker will be helpful to housewives
Things like pasta cannot always buy precisely what they’re looking for in the supermarket for homemakers. This is why a pasta maker can be a perfect way to create precisely any pasta shape your mom wants. And like most things in life, fresh is always better than canned. Most luxury Italian restaurants make pasta by hand because they know it’s much better than store-bought noodles. This will be the perfect gift for anyone who loves Italian cooking.
24/ The thick merino wool blanket
Mothers deserve to relax like the rest of us. So if she likes to watch movies in the living room, why not give her a present that will make her experience a lot more cozy? For the last few years, chunky knit merino wool blankets have become a fashion trend, and they haven’t gone out of style. Your mom will love something that will keep her warm on chilly nights. As a bonus, consider adding a Netflix gift card, the snack that comes with this blanket.
23/ This dutch style glazed oven will help your mom feel like a top chef
If your mom has a passion for cooking, you might want to give her a Dutch-style enameled iron oven. Dutch ovens are great because they are versatile. You can fry anything, cook pasta, or cook just about anything. Besides, since it’s made of cast iron, you can also put it in the oven to bake bread and meat. Cast iron also helps to radiate heat more evenly and retain heat much longer than other materials. Usually, these will cost more than $ 200 if you buy some high-end brands like Le Creuset. However, the branded AmazonBasics are much more affordable, and they look almost identical to Le Creuset. It may not be good enough to pass on to your grandchildren, but it will persist for a very long time. If you think that buying new kitchen products is a good idea, then you should buy a Dutch oven as a gift.
22/ Ugg Slippers- For times when you don’t want to wear socks
When you’re walking inside, there’s probably nothing better than a nice pair of slippers. Sometimes, socks that are not warm enough will cause cold nights. Uggs are notorious for being comfortable for both men and women. If your mother already owns a pair of Ugg boots, she will undoubtedly adore these sandals. They can be expensive, but they are known to last for many years.
21/ Magnolia Table Volume II brings Joanna Gaines’ cooking job to your kitchen
HGTV’s Fixer Upper fans must have loved Joanna Gaines. Although she has stopped filming the show, she is continuing to publish magazines and books. Several years ago, she published her first cookbook, Magnolia Table. Now, right on Easter 2020, she launched Magnolia Table Volume II. Meals can become dull over time if you do not know how to cook many different recipes. So if your mom is looking to cook more and loves Joanna Gaines, she will probably be more than happy to receive this cookbook. It has many delicious, easy-to-make recipes with ingredients that are available in the refrigerator. Joanna also has a YouTube channel where she shows how to make these new recipes at home.
20/ Rose Gold French Press
Caffeine is one of the things that help us all wake-up and behaves like responsible adults in the morning. If you have a coffee-loving mother, you might want to suggest getting her a rose gold French press. If you have a French press, you can make cold brew coffee. It also serves as a tea steeper, and it’s a lot easier to clean than most coffee machines. Plus, it looks stunning and elegant on her counter, which is a significant plus. This would be a perfect gift if you could pair it with a bag of her favorite coffee. Who doesn’t want to drink coffee while receiving gifts?
19/ Socks from Hallmark Christmas Movies
Following the start of the current crisis, Hallmark Channel revealed that they would resume airing Christmas movies. Even though we’re in the middle of spring, several radio stations have started to play holiday music on the 25th of each month. Several neighborhoods have chosen to put up their Christmas decorations. Of course, not everyone can appreciate celebrating the holidays outside of the usual season. However, if the mother in your life is one of those women who binge-watches Hallmark Christmas movies, these socks and other presents like them will be suitable for her.
18/ Fill-in-the-Blank Gift Book
Flowers and chocolate are temporary gifts, but we can keep sentimental things for a lifetime. This book encourages you to write down everything you admire about your mother, so she knows how much you value her. It would be an excellent gift to give to your child so that you can assist them in writing down anything they admire about their mother. She will be able to look back on Mother’s Day in 2020 and note how much you loved and respected her. Moms, in times like these, need an extra dose of love for everything they do.
17/ A Personalized Cutting Board
If you are making something essential or attempting a complicated gourmet recipe, you will need a cutting board. And if the mother in your life already has a cutting board, she would love to see another one with the family name on it. Plus, having two cutting boards around the house allows the kids to assist with some slicing. This is the kind of present you will want to keep for the rest of your life. Just ensure you order it early enough to get it ready for Mother’s Day!
16/ Stemless wine glasses freezes
While we aren’t going to take our mothers to a fancy winery this year, several local wineries offer curbside pickup. Everyone around the age of 21 has experienced the thrill of receiving a brand new bottle of wine. You will buy it at the supermarket and want to drink it right away when you get home for dinner or arrive at a party. The only issue is that it tastes terrible when it is warm, and adding ice cubes dilutes the flavor. This is why using frozen wine glasses is such a brilliant idea. They’re put in the freezer overnight, and the interior liquid freezes. We can then pour the warm wine into the bottle, which will cool the drink for you. It’s ideal for the spring and summer months when your mother could be relaxing in the backyard with wine and a good book.
15/ Karaoke Microphone
Do you have a mother who enjoys singing? We won’t be able to go to a karaoke bar right now, but we can still sing at home. You can also download free karaoke tracks from YouTube and play them on your TV without buying a karaoke machine. The only issue is that your voice isn’t amplified enough to give you a truly authentic experience. This karaoke microphone has Bluetooth capabilities, allowing you to attach it to wireless speakers to amplify your voice. If you’re going to get one for your girlfriend, at the very least, make it appealing. This rose gold karaoke microphone has the appearance of bling, but it’s a lot more fun than jewelry.
14/ Teapot
If the mother in your life enjoys tea, she may have already tried loose leaf blends from Teavana before they went out of business. You can purchase loose-leaf tea online for a low price and with ease. If you got your mother the tea-growing kit earlier on the list, she might be getting ready to make her tea. The only downside of steeping loose tea in a mug or pot is that you can’t see how dark it’s becoming. This is why a clear glass teapot is essential for brewing the perfect cup of tea. Furthermore, consider purchasing a blossoming tea flower for the mother in your life, which blooms within a teapot once hot water is applied. These are fantastic but only work with a glass teapot.
13/ Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is said to inspire feelings of unconditional love in those who believe in healing crystals. It’s often given as a gift to someone you care about, particularly during times of grief or hardship. Even if you don’t believe in crystals’ healing powers, rose quartz is still a beautiful stone that can be worn as jewelry. They look lovely on a windowsill or dresser, surrounded by perfume bottles and other attractive products. Given that you are all going through difficult times, it isn’t a bad idea to give someone a sign of affection and acceptance.
12/ Adorable Candle
Candles are a favorite present for almost every woman on the planet because they make a room smell lovely. Furthermore, when more people stay at home, our homes may tend to smell stuffier than average. This candle, which reads “Let’s Stay Home,” is practically ideal for how everyone will be spending Mother’s Day in 2020. It has a unique fragrance that combines oakmoss, grapefruit, tonka, and amber to elevate your mom’s relaxing period. If you can mix this with some bath bombs or oils, she will be able to soak in the tub if she likes a lit candle.
11/ Eye mask
Mother’s Day is usually a day off for your mother or wife. She’s free to sleep in, eat breakfast in bed, and relax for the rest of the day. Her children and husband are responsible for everyday tasks, allowing her to sleep in late and relax for the rest of the day. She’s probably much more tired than average right now, with all that’s going on. As a result, she’ll be in desperate need of a day off. If you’re trying to sleep in or nap in the middle of the day, a silk eye mask can come in handy. This will be useful long after Mother’s Day, particularly once we’re allowed to fly again.
10/ Birthstone Necklace
A necklace containing all of your mothers is a lovely gift to give her. This necklace, in particular, featured birthstone charms as well as the initials of each of the family’s children, grandchildren. Birthstone necklaces come in a range of different types to select from. For my mother’s birthday, I had a similar necklace made. She is so enamored of it that she wears it every day!
9/ Wabi-Sabi Candles
Candles have long been a traditional present to send on special occasions. However, once the candle has been extinguished, most jars are either recycled or thrown out. And if your mother likes candles, offering her the same brand year after year seems monotonous. Many of these Wabi Sabi candles are rendered in ceramic bowls with modern shapes drawn on them. There are many scents and shades to choose from, but my natural preference is Amber and smoke.
8/ Books
The Kid, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse was one of the best-selling books in 2020. Try buying it for your mother’s library if she hasn’t read it yet. It seems to be a children’s book at first sight. Adults, on the other hand, have flocked to it in droves. Every page is illustrated, and the text is straightforward and plain. However, the values it offers will have a profound effect on you if you pay attention.
7/ A gift card
It’s essential these days to ensure that your mother stays at home and is healthy. That’s why a gift card for her local grocery store or food delivery service would be ideal. Someone else could shop for your mother and leave it at her front door instead of going to a busy supermarket. You can get gift cards for all of the most popular apps on Amazon, including Instacart, Uber Eats, Doordash, and others. This might also act as a replacement for going out to dinner with your mum if it was a tradition you had with her. You can also pay for her Mother’s Day dinner if she’s single.
6/ Shoulder Massager Assists
The past year has been trying. If your mother used to get professional massages, she most definitely misses them now. The motors in this massage kit switch to knead sore muscles as it hangs from your shoulders. According to the ratings, you will either love it or dislike it. This is somewhat similar to the massage chairs at the mall that your mother loves. It’s not a substitution for the real thing. However, the vast majority of those who order it adore it and use it regularly.
5/ An iPad stand
Your mother also wants a way to prop up her iPad, whether she’s working from home or testing out a new recipe in the kitchen. It would be wise to buy her an iPad stand if she doesn’t already have one. They’re available in a range of colors so that you can fit them into the rest of her electronics. I purchased one of these a few years ago and couldn’t imagine seeing an iPad without it. This protects the screen from scratches, provides a position for it to stand when charging and allows me to prop it up everywhere I go.
4/ The Picnic Set
With fewer indoor dining opportunities, a growing number of people are returning to an old favorite: enjoying a picnic in the park or on the beach. If your mother used to take you on picnics after the lockout, you might want to get her a picnic basket or purse. When the weather gets warmer, this might turn into an opportunity to go out for a bite to eat. Since we can’t go out as much as we used to, a picnic is the next best thing.
3/ The Pickle Ball Collection for Athletic Moms
Pickleball is the newest sport sweeping the country, in case you haven’t heard about it. It’s close to a less strenuous variant of tennis or ping pong. People of all ages play it, but it is widespread among retirees. In New Jersey, several parks have been constructing brand new pickleball courts to satisfy the sport’s increasing popularity. Try buying your mother a package if you have one in your field and she loves sports. It might be a fun way for the whole family to get some exercise. In reality, if you’re purchasing a picnic basket, this might be an excellent pairing!
2/ The Ultrasonic jewelry cleaner
When you’ve had jewelry for a long time, you’ll need to disinfect it. There are several chemicals available to assist you in washing your jewels. It does, however, often do more damage than good. This is particularly true if you paint silver-plated metal with a good polish. This ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a safer choice. It vibrates, loosening the dirt from the jewelry without causing it any damage. Many parts may be washed at the same time, and the process takes just a few minutes. If your mother has a vast jewelry collection and has been searching for cleaning or organizing tasks to do during the lockout, this might be ideal.
1/ The UV Nail Dryer
Your mother might be air-drying her nails if she has been making her manicures at home. This takes more effort and time, plus raising the possibility of unintentionally wrecking her hard work. With a UV nail dryer, she could deal with all of this problem. Most people won’t go out of their way to do anything like this, but people who have manicures every week will enjoy it immensely. Before you buy this tool, make sure she doesn’t already have it!
The Best Interior Design Inspired by Celebrity Houses!
Most people see celebrity houses mostly on television screens or social media, or sometimes on the interior magazine cover. Now, what if we tell you that archiving these looks is much easier than you think? If you want to make your home feel like this type of luxury home, we might be able to help! Find your inspirations from our list of the best interior design from Celebrity Houses right below!
1. Glamour from the Golden Age of Hollywood
Let’s start with the classic glamor of old Hollywood. The look isn’t influenced by a specific celebrity house but rather by Hollywood celebrities themselves: Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.
Why not start with a posh liquor cabinet? This style was a must-have for every old Hollywood celebrity’s house, and you’ll need one as well. Choose antique-looking glass, gold, or an intricate wood design.
Incredible Bucket List Destinations you Should Check Out!
People often feel pressured to work more than 40 hours a week because of having to follow the money. In fact, many of us often have limited time off during the year. With long working hours plus short breaks daily, it’s hard to sit down and plan the getaways, let alone find time to enjoy a ride.
However, with the development of social media, you can easily choose your ideal place from the global list of dream destinations! Whether you’re traveling domestically or traveling outside of your comfort zone, you could always fund any affordable locations that cater to all your travel needs.
1/ Kaikoura, New Zealand
You’re off to a good start with a long-distance destination. Do not be put off by the recent earthquake activity in this beautiful country; things seem to be improving in general. If wildlife is your thing, this lovely coastal town is home to a significant whale and seal population.
Do you have any questions about how you’ll get around? Don’t be that way! The country has a well-developed train system that can carry you all over the island to see anything on your bucket list. And if your favorite movie of all time is Lord of the Rings? Then it’s a must to visit this county!
How to Jazz Up Your Bathroom For Under $100?!
Asides from the combo of the living room, bedroom, or kitchen, another part of the important space in your home must be the bathroom. It is a room we are using constantly every day. However, some people might make the mistake of neglecting to decorate this area. For such a place that you spend a large part of your daily routine, it deserves to have better decor. If you don’t want to spend too much for a complete makeover, we do have some tips that could jazz up the place for a more affordable price. Here are the best ideas on how you can make a bathroom look amazing for under $100!
40. Add plants to the bathroom
Adding trees to any room is a great way to make the place seems more lively. As most bathrooms tend to have a high moisturizer level, it makes sense to keep some plants around the area. They are very cheap if you go to your local store. Even small pots and shrubs like figs would cost you just $ 20 per one. Having a beautiful potted plant in the corner of your bathroom can make a simple space instantly look more luxurious.
You can also put some hanging potted plants or a small potted plant on your window if you have one. However, some houses have very dark bathrooms and are not suitable for plants. If this is the problem in your bathroom, it is best to buy fake plants. You may not believe it, but the artificial tree is more expensive than the real one. Find something attractive, high-quality, and suitable for your bathroom style.
Which Interior Paint Color Fits Your Zodiac Sign?
Most of us will have to know our Zodiac Sign at this point, whether by our own discovery or someone telling us, don’t we? To sum it up, when the Earth revolves around the sun in a year, its axis will line up with a total of twelve constellations. These create the 12 zodiac signs with their assigned animal constellations. Since a long time ago, people have tried to learn more about them through religious or ritual traditions.
The Babylonians and Astrology
Many believe that the Babylonians could be the creators of astrology’s study. They could forecast seasons and certain astronomical phenomena accurately. Moreover, their type of astrology originated from the standard tradition of divination. Astrology was indistinguishable from astronomy for the first 2,000 years of its life. In the 4th century B.C., the Babylonians agreed to share their understanding of astrology with the Greeks.
They, too, broke the zodiac into 12 signs and assigned a constellation to each. Intellectual philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle highly popularized astrology. It became so common that the Romans and the Arabs gradually spread it. Both Sumerians and Babylonians had rites of divination, as well. To read someone’s destiny, they will also study the liver and the entrails of animals. They sometimes turned to heaven for answers: using Ammisaduqa’s Venus Tablet, they monitored Venus and also used this instrument to forecast omens.
Best Ways to Make Your Home Look Like The Home Edit’s masterpieces!
Since its launch, ‘The Home Edit’ has quickly gained a spot on the list of the most popular watched series of Netflix. After the premiere, their book under the name The Home Edit: A guide to Organzinizing and Realizing Your House Goals also shot up on the New York Times bestseller ranking. When it comes to transforming a normal house into an organizational dream home, their hosts are the best. Now, if you have been looking for ways to turn your own house into one of their masterpieces, perhaps we could help! Here are the best tips to give your home a Home Edit treatment!
25. Make use of Clear Storage as much as possible:
The hosts of The Home Edit often resort to using different types of transparent plastic for this reason. Instead of searching endlessly to find the iteams, it is easier if you could see what is inside the package. If you use plastic in your refrigerator or pantry, it also makes it a lot simpler. Instead of opening up and looking inside how many different food cans, you can see when something is about to run out.
24. Baskets Are Ok, as long as they match
In the last section, we talked about the use of transparent plastic boxes. But what if you’re the type of person who wants to hide your product? Using woven baskets or crates is fine. However, make sure that all of them match. When you go to a discount store like HomeGoods, it can be challenging to find multiple baskets that look similar. As a result, you could go for the available plastic containers from Target at a much better price range.
23. Organize Everything in Rainbow Color
In every home editing project, the women usually prefer to use rainbows code for their arrangement. Regardless of the object, they like to arrange it with ROYGBIV, whether it’s a bookshelf filled with books, toys, food, or clothes. For some people, this way of organizing items might not their favorite form of managing them. However, there is a method that is much more acceptable. By using color-coordinating objects, your brain remembers where those objects are located better than others. This is also extremely helpful if you have children. Instead of explaining a complex organizational system for a child, they can see that the yellow toy goes in the yellow part, the red toy goes in the red part, and so on. This can help them learn their colors early on, but it can also help them clean up more often.
22. Include your Kids
No matter what area of the home you choose to organize, be sure to get your child involved. Letting them understand that things need to go back to a particular place from some great habits early in life. We’ve covered how color matching toys make it easier for your child to store things. When something is easy enough, they are more likely to help you with the cleaning process. This will make parenting a lot easier, instead of picking up toys every few hours.
21. Make Sure You Can see everything
Most of the time, people forget how much they have because they can’t see it. This is why so many of us experience the phenomenon of accidentally buying something twice. Place all in focus rather than hiding items under the bed or letting them be forced out behind the pantry. After you see all your options at your disposal, it becomes much easier to reach them. For example, I grew up drawing and drawing almost every day, but I still left my furniture under the bed as an adult. After watching The Home Edit, I bought a 3-story wheelchair. Now that my supplies are neatly arranged and free of leaks, that has inspired me to approach them and create art again.
20. Keep the necessities and Storage, or Donate the rest
One of the biggest mistakes people often make is storing items in a closet they don’t use daily. In the home editing episode with Rachel Zoe, her donation of unused clothes is like pulling her teeth. In the end, they persuaded her to put away the clothes she never wore to the storage room to clear the closet space. For the average person, you probably won’t have a huge wardrobe filled with luxury goods. However, there are still plenty of things that you can put in the storage bin and hide in the attic or under the bed instead of in the closet. Remember that your wardrobe should be filled with items you use every day. And if you can’t find something, it’s a sign that there’s too much.
19. Make sure everything you need is within reach
If you are a short person, it might be hard to get things at the top shelf or higher places. While some people tend to keep a stool to deal with the situation, others resort to other tedious ways of reaching out to their items. For example, in The Home Edit episode, a woman is climbing on shelves to get the ingredients needed to cook a meal. This is quite dangerous. Always keep items that you use every day low enough to grab a chair or stool to stand. Hold items that are not still used in higher positions or store them there exclusively so that you can only use them when it is time to refill lower-tier items.
18. Drawer Dividers is a big YES
Most people have had a garbage drawer at some point in their life. And if you have a desk drawer that you use regularly, chances are it got messy at some point. Calling an insert drawer is a simple solution to this problem. This can keep your items categorized as separate from each other. It makes it easier to locate what you need quickly. In turn, this will also make you a more productive person if you can streamline finding resources for work.
17. Remove Original Boxes and Containers of your Stocks
Some people will never dream of removing their food from its packaging before placing it in a pantry. But on The Home Edit, part of the reason the makeup in their pantry looks so aesthetically pleasing is that they take all the food out of the box before putting it in a clear plastic container. In addition to beauty, this method can help free up space. It also hides any brands you choose to buy so that no one can judge you. You’ll keep those in a separate package for the food that comes in the package, like granola bars or fruit snacks. However, having a clear plastic box to hold all those snacks in succession looks a lot cleaner than having them in the cardboard box you bought at the store.
16. Get Matching Hangers for your wardrobe
Finding the proper hanger hooks is one of the best ways to make your closet look a bit tidier. Most professional organizers will choose velvet hangers or ones made from wood. However, you can still get disposable hangers from somewhere like Dollar Tree or Walmart if you’re on a tiny budget. As long as all the hanger hangs fit together, that’s all that matters.
15. Switch your Bathroom Drawers to fit your routine
Most people keep all their toiletries in their vanity, closet, or drawers. This makes sense, but not everyone is setting it up to streamline their habits. Ask yourself what products you use every day. Try to arrange those products in a way that matches what you do today. Drawer inserts are great for helping organize items you want to put away, but you can also use glass jars placed on the vanity.
14. Keep valuable things in Boxes With Lids
So far on this list, we have come up with many options that require you to display your items outdoors. However, small things like family photos and souvenirs that you might not want to see every day. These are great in a cardboard box. On The Home Edit, the ladies always give their clients a few boxes labeled “Sentimental” so they hide essential things to keep, but you don’t necessarily want them to be front and center when entering your closet.
13. Use more Shelf Dividers
You might have come across some people’s closets that are full of shelves. While this could work for most people, it won’t work well if you stack too much stuff on them in the long run. As soon as you pull something out of the pile, it can damage the whole pile. That’s why a genius out there invented clear shelf shelves. In this way, you can remove pieces from one part of the frame without disturbing the other. It also helps to make your wardrobe look like a showroom shop.
12. Keep Your Jewelry Collection In the Open
You already have a jewelry box if you own jewelry. Some of these may be beautiful, but the problem is that when you take the initiative to open this box, you do not see your jewelry. This can also trigger the difficulty of getting tangled with necklaces. Several jewelry pieces stacked on top of each other often suggest that there can not possibly be seen. In The Home Edit, they recommend that you keep your jewelry and accessories on show in your wardrobe. This way, the method of choosing your outfit for the day becomes part of it. Make sure you find one with individual compartments for each item if you need a package.
11. Stuff Your Purses to Keep Their Shape
You may already know how hard it can be to put them on display and preserve their quality if you have a big purse set. Leather, as time goes on, will bend and become dry and brittle. So if you have a bag that is not in its correct shape, the overtime may be misformed. Make sure that stuffing them with tissue paper if you have space in your closet to create a purse show. It not only helps to retain the bag’s form, but it also looks a lot more aesthetically appealing.
10. Use Stackable Storage
Storage stacking is a great way to utilize your room. In the Home Edit, in cases where people hold back stock of something, it seems to be used most. For instance, this individual has stacks of products in the picture you see above that they would typically use in the bathroom. This level of stockpiling may have seemed a little ridiculous in the past. But in 2020, to minimize the number of times they need to make a trip to the grocery store, many individuals stock up on their most commonly used products.
9. Fold Your Scarves
The ladies have a signature technique of folding scarves into tiny donut-shaped balls on The Home Edit. I would not personally know where to start trying to recreate that. However, the point is that they suggest keeping your scarves on view so that your choices can be seen. You can never see them when scarves are tucked away in a box, and forget they exist.
8. Put your Most Useds
Often in your house, there are widely used things that are continually being picked up and put away. For instance, if you have young children who love drawing and painting, any time they want to make their art, you might already be putting away the supplies. Consider buying a cart so it is all out in the open but all held in the same room. This can be a godsend for busy parents because your kids no longer have to remind you to dig out the supplies for them. They can only grab what they need and begin to work. I did this at my own home after seeing The Home Edit, and it works exceptionally well.
7. Make Healthy Snacks Reachable for your Kids
Children love to sneak snacks behind their parents’ back, significantly if they can gain access to a pantry. One perfect way to make sure that the bad stuff is not consumed is to keep the nutritious snacks within the arm’s scope. On The Home Edit, by positioning health treats such as granola bars and crackers near the pantry’s bottom shelf, they helped a mother by putting candy desserts near the top where only adults can reach.
6. Sweater Boxes Is Perfect for Bulk Storage
Sweater boxes might be your best bet if you love the idea of using transparent storage. Almost every major retailer, including Walmart and Target, will sell a variant of these, but they also have stackable sweater boxes at The Container Store. One of the most popular areas where these are used is garages. You will see how they turned a garage full of items into an amazingly well-organized room if you watch the first episode of The Home Edit.
5. Label Maker Can Save a Life
They mark nearly everything on The Home Edit. There are already some types of containers or boxes for most homeowners, and they are not usually made of transparent plastic. It would help if you quickly bought a label maker and what you already have instead of going out and spending a fortune getting many new items from The Container Store. I am still living in my parent’s home, but I used labels in their attic for my storage containers. Now, if I need something before opening the box, I can look at the title.
4. How to Utilized 3-Tier Shelves?
You have already witnessed your products’ frustrating process being moved to the back if you have deep shelves. This makes it hard to find stuff when you need it. Purchasing a 3-tiered shelf that will sit in your pantry is a genius solution to the problem. For canned goods, herbs, and so much more, it works very well.
3. How to deal with Hard-To-Reach Items?
Ever saw something in the refrigerator, but can not reach it because ten other things are trapped behind it? This is where a method name lazy Susan could come in handy. Lazy Susans is a little spinning cart with parts on it. And you can only get to the goods that were initially put in the back by rotating the contraption wheel. The ladies use these lazy Susans in The Home Edit to assist kids involved in an art class. It was great for the kids since they could spin without asking their friends to move it over to get the Crayola markers they needed from the other side of the table.
2. Utilize Floor Space
You might sometimes go through an organizational project and realize that there is just nowhere else to put your things. This is very prominent in toy rooms for children, office space, and so much more. Only using the floor space in the best way you can is a perfect solution to the issue. Three-tiered carts can travel about on wheels so they can sit in your house just about anywhere. I have seen many individuals integrate these cards into their lives as they start working from home. Without merely purchasing a new piece of furniture to fit it, it is ideal for storing all the work-related things, documents, and supplies in one place. In the future, if your situations change, the cart can be easily reused for something else.
1. Minimize As Much As You Can
Last but not least, recycle unused goods as much as you can. Keeping things ordered when you have so much stuff is complicated. Know that when items do not have a place to go, clutter occurs. If you are going through this organizational journey, and you start to feel that there is no place to be for some of the stuff in your house, it may be a sign that it is time to say goodbye. However, getting rid of things does not always have to be the end. To see if they need these things you can get rid of, you can still reach out to friends and family. That way, if you want to, you can always see those things, but they are not in your room.
Ikea Home Makeover Hacks That Won’t Hurt Your Wallet!
Ready for some spring cleaning and home makeover ideas? If you have been trying to change up your home decor but don’t have a big budget, we might be able to help. Today, we offer you some genius Ikea home makeover hacks that won’t hurt your wallet too much.
As we know, Ikea is always a place that people turn to when they are in search of cheaper furniture. While you might argue that second-hand items or market place might be better, there are still many good products section in Ikea that is worth the money. Let’s start now, shall we?
60. Anthropological-inspired throw Blanket
These throw blankets from Anthropologie could set you back a whopping $ 150. While they serve the purpose of adding textures to your space, some people just don’t want to spend that much. Now, there is an Ikea hack for creating an Anthropology-inspired throw pillow for a fraction of the cost. Firstly, you would need to get an ingribratta blanket, which retails for $20 at Ikea. After that, you can make some colorful handmade tassels out of yarn balls. These often cost around $5 to get at least 3 colors of yarn. Finally, you can stitch them on the sides of the blanket, and tada, a nice blanket for a total of 25 dollars instead of 150 dollars.
30 Basements Decor Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!
When building a basement, many of us often choose to spend a smaller investment for decorating this area. You might argue that the usual drywall and concrete will do the job, but is it enough? Have you ever thought of taking your basement decoration into another step? In fact, many people out there want to turn their basements into lavish living spaces.
Based on many experts sharing, having an underground living space equal to 50% of the above-ground area will add more value to your home when you list it on the market. On the other hand, the area can also make your daily life more comfortable and joyful. Now, if you are looking for some inspiration, here are the best 30 great ideas for you to check out!
30. A whole Village
When it went up for sale, this crazy 2.5 million home in Fort Hill, North Carolina, gained some buzz in the press due to it having an entire village in the basement! Each of the storefronts opens up to another living room in their area. For instance, the soda shop has a real bar with a soda fountain with candy and ice cream. The movie theater is the gateway to the family theater space, and there is a show of the owner’s antique collection in the toy store.
In their dream-finished basement, these are all things that people like, and the village is just an imaginative way of decorating the corridor leading to different doors. Besides, all of their pinball machines and video games are available in the arcade. Even if you don’t want to turn your basement into an entire fake town, this might serve as a creative way to divide your basement room.
How To Pull Off The Perfect Australian Coastal Beach Style?!
Are you looking forward to spending a lot of time in your beach house this summer? But first, have you given a thought about changing it up with a new style ahead of the vacation? There are currently many amazing styles that you can choose to decorate your beach house. Among them, the most popular one is the Boho Beach Hut (or Australian Coastal) style. Firstly, this type of decor came from the idea of small beach huts in Australia, where surfers choose to live to catch the best ocean waves. The most ideal details from this type of decoration are simple, minimalist-vibe objects that remind people of their travel memory. If you have taken an interest in this decor style, why not catch our list below to pull off the perfect Australian Coastal Beach look for your home today!
30. Pick light-color wooden floor
When surfers come back after spending time on the beach, they often bring back sand and moisture. As a result, this combination and a carpet don’t mix in too well. Aside from being made of wood, nearly every house on the Australian Coast features a hardwood floor. Furthermore, they come in very light shade, making the room look much brighter.
If you don’t already have hardwood floors in your home, a cheaper alternative is to install vinyl flooring. Amazon sells the bottom pad for much less expensive than what you can find at most hardware stores. But it’s best to buy your flooring boxes directly instead of shipping them to make sure nothing gets damaged during shipping.